Northern VA/ Washington DC/ Arlington/ Alexandria/MD photographer.
Random moment collector.
Mom of three fun teenagers and a dog named Happy.
Wife to an amazing guy.
Horrible singer (who still knows all the words to way too many pop songs).
I believe real life is pretty amazing in all its imperfection (and definitely worth remembering)!
I love “messy” photos so much that one of the first photos you’ll see of me (below) was taken after my husband won Pieface Showdown (hence the whipped cream all over my face).
I’m not a huge fan of pictures where everyone sits “perfectly” still looking straight at the camera. Instead, my photographs are unique and unscripted - dancing, laughing, running, etc.
Candids are my fave!!
(Black and white photo - Kelly Loss Photography; Header photo - Amanda Lessner Photography; Headshot - Ivy & Quartz Photography; and Mountain photo - random stranger in Yosemite).